Let’s Respect and Help Our Janitors
November 7, 2019

The clock struck 3 o’clock, signalizing the end of the day. As a sea of students pile out of the classrooms and into the hallway, it is hard to see anything but bodies on the move. Once the majority of the students exit the building, I couldn’t help but notice the stray plate of trash residing in front of the restrooms. In a rush to get home, I left it there, as did the rest of the students.
However, as I was on my way to class the following morning, the trash in front of the restroom was no longer there. It makes you wonder where it went. Who cleaned it up?
Unlike the exaggerated amount of trash, the answer is fairly simple: Janitors.

The aftermath of a school day is always dealt with by our janitors. From classes to restrooms and everything in between, messes are almost always present. But whether it’s before, during or after school, janitors find a way to clean the space. Though cleaning is a janitor’s job, the abundance of trash poses a big question: why do people drop their trash on the floor?

Is it a matter of them not caring? Is it what they normally do at home?
Contrary to what most people may think, I think the problem lies within the lack of empathy that a person has. Given that there are multiple janitors around, people believe it’s okay to leave trash wherever they please. Even if it is their job, what makes it okay for others to cause extra work for them? What makes it morally correct to drop trash when there’s a sense of awareness that someone else will have to pick it up?

Since people have their mind set on the idea that a janitor’s sole purpose is to clean, it’s almost as if the value of janitors lessens, as if their value as human beings is decreased. It’s this ideology that keeps students’ empathy at bay. But we must fight against that belief.
Janitors are people too, and Raven Jones has firsthand experience with this. Last year, Raven helped Mr. Garcia tutor students who were learning English. Raven would sit down with students who just arrived in the US and speak English to them, helping them learn the language. That’s where she met Ms. Kay, a janitor who worked at Manual Arts before moving to Pennsylvania.

“My experience with her was really great. It was last year, I was tutoring ELD students with Garcia. I met Ms. Kay and everything, and we talked a little bit… and I think we really hit it off because she wanted to get to know me. I really have a bond with her.”

After that, Raven spoke about how hard Ms. Kay worked, as well as other janitors.

“I feel like she works really hard, too. And Ms. Kay doesn’t get recognized for that. Especially for janitors, you know how the school is… trash everywhere and everything,” Raven said, “Sometimes, I feel bad because they have to work a lot of hours just to keep the school clean. And the next day, it gets all dirty again. They’re like, ‘man, I gotta do all of this again!’ They don’t get recognized enough, and I feel like they work really hard, honestly.”
Usually, that’s not the way that we see janitors. We walk past them all of the time, and we see a person solely working. But evidently, that’s not all janitors.
“I mean, she’s really amazing. She’s funny, very caring, and supportive. There were times where she would sit with me after school (during her break) and help me with my school work. One time, I showed her one of my presentations, and she told me ways that I could make it better. Right now, I’m still in contact with her, and she told me to make sure to tell her my graduation date cause she said she’ll fly out here for my graduation. I really appreciate that,” Raven said with a bright smile on her face.

“She told me that if I ever need anything, I can just call her or text her. She even said I can live with her! I was like, shoot, let me get my bags then! But yeah, she’s just really caring, so dope.”
And that’s only one janitor, and Ms. Kay is no longer at our campus. Imagine how the rest of our janitors are like. At Manual Arts, we have the following janitors working for us: Andre, Rene, Mr. Howard, Jaime, Ken, Danny and Ms. Diaz.

These are the hard-working people who clean up around the school and deserve recognition for doing so. Showing gratitude to them can be as simple as throwing away your trash instead of leaving it on the floor or in other places. Saying thank you is even better.
So the next time you think about littering, throw your trash away in the nearest bin and remember that janitors are people just like you.
ean • Nov 17, 2021 at 7:15 am
I say thank you to our school janitor’s every time at lunch and sometimes i even help them at the end of the day like who would want a health person to come into a school and shut it down just because of our mess that we made
ean • Nov 12, 2021 at 6:48 am
yes to what?
zdub • Nov 18, 2019 at 9:15 am
This article shows how great some janitors can be.
Luisa Benavides • Nov 14, 2019 at 2:58 pm
Janitors are an essential role in schools because they keep our surroundings clean for students and other staff. janitors are positive role models and this article shows how amazing they are.
Jose Villanueva • Nov 14, 2019 at 2:42 pm
I really enjoyed this article, it shows how janitors work hard while we are at school and after we leave. I agree that we have to be more conscious with the trash that we drop, in fact we have to help them clean. We as students we have to make sure we keep our school clean. By dropping trash where it belongs we will do a huge favor to the dear janitors that keep our school clean.
Briana • Nov 14, 2019 at 2:24 pm
I really like how this article showed what its like for janitors to work in an environment where kids don’t care and leave trash wherever they want. I agree that we should be more aware on where our trash goes because we wouldn’t our own homes the same way we treat our schools.
Yeison Zapeta • Nov 12, 2019 at 12:57 pm
Its a very positive demonstration of hard working people that we take for granted for and we should be really grateful for their service being provided here.
Jesus Baires • Nov 12, 2019 at 12:56 pm
I really like how this article shows how janitors work hard after school every time we leave, I fully agree that we should start being more conscious with the trash that we drop-in floor, it might be true that as a janitor their job is to clean however that doesn’t mean that we have to be dropping our trash everywhere. This article also opened my mind on how I will see the janitor now on I will help in everything I can to help them
Jesus Baires • Nov 12, 2019 at 12:55 pm
I really like how this article shows how janitors work hard after school every time we leave, I fully agree that we should start being more conscious with the trash that we drop-in floor, it might be true that as a janitor their job is to clean however that doesn’t mean that we have to be dropping our trash everywhere. This article also opened my mind on how I will see the janitor now on I will help in everything I can to help them
Nevaeh Gutierrez • Nov 12, 2019 at 12:55 pm
I agree that everyone should keep the campus clean because Why would we want to have a dirty school? We don’t toss trash around our house why do it at school. A clean area is a great school campus that everyone admires, Stay clean stay positive.
Abraham Guzman • Nov 12, 2019 at 12:53 pm
i like this article cause it takes your mind off how bad this school is
Regiah • Nov 12, 2019 at 12:40 pm
I think the janitors are a very good people to clean up after these kids every single day. I know it be hard because this school gets trashed literally every day and they clean it up to make it really nice