The Race is On!
First to finish and qualify for the final race!
Imagine running for two straight hours. That is what Geeo Barrios did, along with Justice and other Manual Arts students in Cross Country on a Thursday evening at Kenneth Hahn Park.
If you were there, you would have witnessed Geeo struggling when he was running a big hill that feels more like a mountain. Even so, like the true athlete that also plays basketball, Barrios took on that challenging hill.
Cross Country is a sport where teams of different schools run a race on open-air courses. The Cross Country team has been practicing this year’s course every Friday at Kenneth Hahn Park. At the park, students have to run three miles which include terrains of gravel, grass, and steep hills to get to the end. Runners also get to know their time once they reach the finish line. The goal is to improve your time and qualify for the final race.
For the final race, only seven varsity runners are chosen. Ten junior varsity runners are selected for boys, girls and for frosh/soph. In case you are wondering what is frosh/soph, it is the name given to the group of 9th and 10th grade competitors.
Ultimately, the top 10 runners that first get to the finish line receive medals for varsity, junior varsity, and frosh/soph.
Practice is from 3:30pm to 5:30pm from Monday – Friday with Mr. Engle, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Rivera . Once Cross Country ends, Students Run L.A.(SRLA) begins. Stay tuned for more information about Students Run L.A.