Chicas Verdes is a program where a group of students and parents come together to promote healthy eating, making a change within the community, and getting the experience to get closer to nature. Bari Applebaum who is the executive director along with her students, created a garden at Manual Arts Garden in 2017 promoting health eating. Their main mission is to build socially-minded leaders to connect with nature and build bonds with one another. So far, they have produced 25,000 pounds of fruit and 40 fruit trees on campus. This is a great opportunity for students to get creative and have motivation to start their own garden of fresh food products.
This also helps build bonds with people who are different from yourself and help develop social skills. Chicas Verdes offers bags of fresh fruits and vegetables during lunch at Manual Arts to students, staff and even parents are welcomed to come and get as much as they want! They promoted all over the school and within the community to share techniques that will help us become healthier. They also meet with students on Saturdays and help clean up the garden. You can also donate money which goes towards programming, scholarships, and tools. Not only do they help feed students, but they also care about their educational success.