On Friday October 6th, 2023 Manual Arts held its long awaited homecoming parade followed by a football game against Maywood C.E.S. High School. The game started at 3:30 p.m. just after school hours ended. During halftime, Toilers marched in its traditional homecoming parade. The homecoming parade consisted of the Manual Arts Marching Band , JROTC Cadets , Cheerleaders , and various community organizations. The marching band took formation on the field and began playing their songs. The songs consisted of Star “Spangled Banner”, “So Hard”, “High Hopes” and “Tusk”. Students said , the marching band played these songs beautifully. JROTC cadets marched along the track in formation following the cars in the parade. I really felt the Toiler Spirit , a student said. The Toilers fought hard throughout the entire football game and won 64-0, a spectacular win as the football team proved once again that , “It Can Be Done”.
Homecoming Parade Excites Students , Staff , and Alumni
October 10, 2023
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